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Confessions of a Mid-Career Professional

Us mid-career professionals are different. We’re not the same eager and fresh young workers we were at the beginning of our careers—where workplace priorities were more centered around getting our foot in the door, figuring “it” out, and rising up the ranks. But we’re also not like those further along in their careers, who have more experience, yet may be easing off the professional gas pedal, with one foot in the office and the other inching toward retirement.

We, the mid-career professionals, defined by as “someone who has gained significant experience and expertise in their chosen career and is typically in their thirties, forties, or fifties” exist solidly in between the two. We’re the sandwich generation of work– the middle children of the workforce—still fully engaged and striving for growth, but also, life has happened. Maybe there are some kids now, a spouse, aging parents, property, or just more commitments all around. My teenage daughters would (impolitely) call us “seasoned.”

This career stage comes with its own unique milieu of opportunities and challenges. On the plus side, we bring a rich blend of skills and experiences to our work. We can lead, follow, teach, and mentor; we’re nimble and can pivot from one project to the next.  But it’s also a time when finding workplaces that value your experience, offer opportunities for continued professional growth, while also providing the flexibility we desire, can be tough.

That’s where an association management company (AMC) shines. An AMC is an organization that manages the work and operations of trade and/or professional associations that may not have the staff, capacity, or expertise to manage their day-to-day operations. Therefore, depending on the needs of the client, an AMC can manage any combination of varied tasks ranging from accounting, marketing, event management, board governance, or even public policy.

An AMC is an ideal place for mid-career professionals who, like me, may have worn various professional hats throughout their career. It is a unique place where all your skills can find a home. Due to this structure, AMC’s typically have a diverse stream of revenue because of the multitude of clients that it serves. This aspect offers a level of stability that makes AMC’s a special place where employees can feel confident that they can establish and maintain a robust and successful career.

Association Management Strategies (AMS) is an AMC that overachieves when it comes to meeting the needs of the mid-career professional. It’s built on a culture that prioritizes diverse opportunities, professional growth, and a supportive, hybrid work environment that is conducive to flexibility and a work-life balance.

At AMS, there’s always space to explore your interests due to its diverse client portfolio. Even if those interests fall outside of your official role, chances are there’s a way to pursue it, grow it, or even create a role that matches your passion.

AMS demonstrates its strong emphasis on formal professional growth and development by making it a requirement of the job. Thanks to partnerships with organizations like the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE), the Association Management Company Institute (AMCI), and LinkedIn Learning, fulfilling those requirements is straightforward and accessible. In just the past two years, I’ve seen colleagues earn their CAE and SHRM certifications—industry markers of excellence—and move up the ranks, even to the executive director role, at the behest and encouragement of AMS.

So yes, us mid-career pros are different. We’ve got unique needs and wants compared to those in other career stages—and even amongst our peers. That’s why AMC’s are such a great fit for mid-career professionals. My AMC, AMS is a workplace that strikes the perfect balance of opportunity, growth, flexibility, and stability—all things that we appreciate in this “seasoned” point in our lives.

By: Makeba Scott

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