
The Latest About AMS

Helping Clients Navigate a Changing World

When AMS closed its physical office on March 16, few suspected that three months later the country would only be at the very beginning of a gradual reopening. Fortunately, while AMS closed its office to protect the health and well-being of its staff and community, we were well positioned to make the transition to fully remote operation due to our team’s agility and eagerness to innovate.

Not only have we adapted to new ways of getting work done, we have also fully engaged in the critical work of staying connected to and supporting each other during this unprecedented time. From our first week of teleworking, like many of you, our team has been connecting via video conferencing for both client and full staff meetings, as well as, social gatherings and celebrations. While we are unable to bond in the office, we have used tech tools to recreate these crucial interactions. In a situation where it would be reasonable to see a lag in employee engagement AMS is pleased and grateful to have seen a surge.

In addition to transitioning to working remotely and keeping our staff engaged, we have also helped our clients navigate and mitigate the effect of the pandemic on their planned activities. To date, we have successfully repositioned client conferences, meetings, and numerous events. Looking towards the future we have established a taskforce which is building recommendations and tools to help create effective, efficient, profitable meetings and events in an uncertain environment.

Although we have decided to move slowly on reopening our office, we will continue to provide all services to our clients. We look forward to the time we can all be together at the office once it is safe and practical, but in the meantime, we are excited to building new and successful ways of operating together.